All knights, please volunteer an hour or two to ask for small donations outside of Albertson’s located at 9560 Winter Gardens Blvd, Lakeside. Contact Ben Byrne or Ron Piatkiewicz for details and schedule. The OLPH bereavement ministry is conducting its annual All Souls Day Mass in remembrance of family members and friends that have passed on. The tradition has been to have the family and friends to carry candles to the alter. Our knights council supports this ministry by providing escorts when candles are brought to the alter. All knights are welcome to attend the Mass. If participating as an escort, 4th degree please wear tux, and others please wear suit and tie. We will be collecting donations after all Masses, and giving out tootsie rolls. All knights welcome to help. Knights are hosting breakfast in support of the San Diego Blood Bank blood drive. All knights welcome to help out. The knights are hosting a barbecue dinner at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. This is a general fund raiser for the Fall season to support our programs and charities. Dinner will be served from 4:30 – 7:00 PM. Cost is $16.00. We will be serving BBQ pork and chicken with sides and drinks. All Knight’s welcome. Please try to attend with your families. Knights are hosting breakfast for San Diego Blood Bank blood drive. All knights welcome to help out. Officer installation ceremony will take place after a short general meeting.